As the cold winter days are gradually ending and we’re reintroduced to the warmth of spring, gardeners everywhere eagerly anticipate the opportunity to revive their outdoor spaces. To ensure a flourishing garden as the season changes, we’ve asked our Garden Manager, Thomas Moore for his top tips for maintaining your garden and preparing it for the spring days ahead. Thomas highlighted that we can look forward to seeing the Cherry Blossoms coming out in March and April at the Stud as well as the Japanese Maples.
Tip 1: Edge and Weed Beds
Thomas’ first tip was to edge and weed your beds, this is done to maintain a neat and healthy appearance for the garden. He recommends using an organic mulch to help in retaining moisture in the beds, enriching the soil, and reducing the need for fertilizer. The stud uses its own mulch, produced on site from garden waste, with leaf mulch being used in beds and borders.
Tip 2 Lift and Divide Perennials-
When perennial plants grow excessively, they can bunch up, causing them not to perform well and produce fewer flowers. In order to prevent this Tommy recommends lifting and dividing them, and this will rejuvenate them, ensuring they grow more efficiently in the Summer and Autumn months.
Tip 3- Take Stock of Spring Gardens
Thomas’ next tip involves observing the current plant stock throughout the garden to plan for next year’s additions. By capturing photos of your garden, you can identify areas that appear less populated, providing guidance on where to plant new stock and ensuring a well-prepared vibrant landscape for the growing landscape. This should be done in the summer months also.
Tip 4- Divide Spring Bulbs
Spring bulbs such as snowdrops, daffodils, crocus can also become overcrowded so it’s necessary to divide and re-spread them. Dividing spring bulbs is done by lifting clumps, separating individual bulbs, and replanting them in well-prepared soil. This practice helps prevent overcrowding, rejuvenates the bulbs, and promotes healthier growth, leading to more vibrant blooms in the garden. He also mentioned that he will soon be preparing to plant the summer bulbs in the next few weeks, once there is no frost.
Tip 5- Create biodiversity areas.
Thomas outlined that incorporating a biodiversity area in your garden can be very beneficial. This can be done by creating woodpiles and long grass areas. This in turn benefits your garden as increased biodiversity helps to combat pest and diseases. Encouraging a diverse and healthy ecosystem in your garden can help maintain a natural balance, reducing the risk of pest outbreaks.
With Thomas’ 5 Tips in mind, you’re well-equipped to steer into the spring season with a flourishing and well-maintained garden. By focusing on edging and weeding beds, lifting and dividing perennials, taking stock of your spring gardens, dividing spring bulbs and creating biodiversity areas, you’ll create an environment where your plants can thrive and bring beauty to your outdoor space. Happy gardening!
Want to learn more? Why not book a private garden tour with Thomas. Email Amanda at [email protected] for more details.
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Irish National Stud & Gardens,
Brallistown Little, Tully, Co. Kildare,
R51 AP20, Ireland